Frequently Asked Questions
About the Level 1 & 2 Courses
Q: Who Is The Course For?
A: Ski Instructor courses are popular with those looking to take a Gap Year before or after university, people taking a career break, a sabbatical, or a career change, or simply those looking to improve their own skiing, meet like-minded people and experience a phenomenal winter season in Zermatt, Switzerland.
Q. How Good Do I Need To Be?
A: We recommend that you should be able to ski confidently doing linked short turns on a red run. We would also recommend that you are comfortable on all-mountain terrain such as black runs and variable runs. You need to be willing and open to learn, change and develop your performance in bumpy and variable snow conditions. If you would like to send us some videos of yourself skiing we can help you decide how much preparation you might need before the course. You can also view videos of the levels required here. Remember these are the trainers skiing demos, your skiing need not look like this now!
Q: How Fit Do I Need To Be?
A: Your fitness will improve rapidly, whether you want it to or not, when you begin the course. Just being on the hill all day will have a huge impact on your fitness levels. You can prepare yourself for this before the course with some cardio sessions. You will find it easier to improve your skiing and enjoy a full day out on the hill if you are fit enough to cope with the high altitude training. We recommend a 2 - 3 weeks of cardiovascular fitness training a few times per week. If you have time, you can do some ski-specific leg strengthening exercises as well as lots of stretching. Do not worry too much about this. If you know you are capable of skiing for a full day (on holiday for example), then you are fit enough to join the course. The fitter you are, the easier, so it is up to you how much preparation you do.
Q: How Old Do I Have To Be?
A: For the long courses, you must be 18 years of age to join the course, with no upper age limit.
Q: What Equipment Will I Need?
A: You will need your own skis and boots for the course. We recommend investing in your own equipment, especially boots that fit you properly! At this stage of your ski instructing career, a ski boot that is designed for piste skiing (not a touring boot) that is comfy and fits your foot, is what we would recommend. Do not worry too much at this stage about how stiff the boot is. If you would like any advice, just ask. In terms of skis, again we recommend a piste ski, or an all-mountain ski that you feel happy getting performance out of on piste. For example, someone who is 170cm tall could go for a 165-170cm ski with a 15-16m radius.
Q: How Long Should I Have Been Skiing For?
A: We recommend around 4 - 5 weeks of skiing experience as a minimum. Any less than that and we would ask to see some video footage of you skiing to ensure that the course itself is a valuable experience for you and you have the initial skills required in order to engage with the training effectively.